stack of rainbow colored pancakes blueberries, strawberries









2023年:30周年早餐/ GSO 50周年纪念

30 /50周年庆典-骄傲 & 煎饼早餐 & 香港大学成立首个同性恋学生组织



阅读以下文章 是不是今天 "Pride and 煎饼: Three Decades of Celebrating 包容"



主要研究杂志: GSO的历史回顾






  • 约翰·卡维奇(教师奖)
  • Erica Vazza(员工奖)
  • Sarah Widlanski(研究生奖)
  • 卢克·奥康奈尔(本科学生奖)
  • 摩根·马丁(本科生奖)


The 28th Annual Pride and 煎饼 (fka: LGBTQ+ and Ally Pancake Breakfast) was one of the events that needed to be postponed due to the COVID-19 crisis. 而不是取消整个活动, we were honored to host nearly 50 people through the Pride and 煎饼: Online Edition for 2020. Participants spent an hour on the ZOOM event to commemorate this experience. The group reflected on the history of the Pancake Breakfast at UNH and recognized the efforts of the LGBTQIA+ community at UNH over the last year. 尽管这段时间身体保持距离, we were able to come together and show off some pretty impressive baking skills with numerous folks trying their hands at rainbow pancakes!


  • Kelly Ducharme (工作人员 Award), Senior Manager, Information Technology
  • Taryn Duncan(本科生)
  • 艾米丽·邓洛普(本科生)

祝贺大家! This will certainly be remembered as one of our more unique formats for this annual tradition.


The 27th Annual  LGBTQ+ and Ally Pancake Breakfast hosted more than 200 people in the MUB Granite State Room. 主持人, Connect Director Andres Mejia and TransUNH president Jack LaPierre, welcomed guests to this longstanding event to gather in solidarity to celebrate victories – and recognize the work ahead. 社区事务临时副总裁, 股本, and 多样性 Monica Chiu opened the program by praising the LGBTQ+ community for their work in running programs to educate. 她说, “This LGBTQ+ community has shown us ways to cut through the frames of old ideas that keep us from having strong, 如果强硬, 对话. 结果是, 我们挑战了过去在性别歧视方面的投资, 恐同症, biphobia, 不再恐, 种族歧视, and ableism – (to name a few) – investments that many of us have grown up in.

Dr. Jonathan Higgins of Campus Pride delivered the keynote address. 他问观众, “What do privileged folks intend to do to change the way they affect those with complex identities? Being aware today means trying to heal what has happened to the oppressed.” Attendees were asked to reflect on what to do in this community, to use our individual privileges to build a better future for all.

Kidder Fund awards for work to build awareness of issues, improving programs & policies, and serving as role models were presented to:

Lu Ferrell(员工奖), 副主任, Office of Multicultural Student Affairs and LGBTQ+ Coordinator
Hayden McDermott, 迈克尔·纽厄尔, Josh Velez (Undergraduate student awards)

The 2019 Pink Triangle Award was presented to: Tom Carlson, 霍莉·卡什曼和语言学院的老师们, 文学与文化, 和意大利研究.

Seacoast Outright was celebrated for its 25th year serving LGBTQ+ youth in our community.


Members of the Intercollegiate Horse Schow Association Team - recipients of Pink Triangle Award

We survive when we are authors of meaning, not victims of circumstances. ~Pierre Berastaín,主讲人

President Mark Huddleston and incoming President James W. 院长,小. addressed a crowd of over 200 community members to celebrate progress and pride at the 26th Annual LGBTQ+ and Ally Pancake Breakfast. 迈克尔·纽厄尔, 护理专业大二学生, 谁参与联盟说, “I wanted to come to the breakfast this year because everyone’s so passionate and amazing, 我想和社区在一起.”

Cari Moorhead,协会. 研究生院院长和保罗·托西, 1974届毕业生, a former student body president who fought alongside the Gay Student Organization when it fought for its right to become a recognized student org, was honored with the Founders Award upon return to his alma mater on April 10.   His story was recently told in the PBS special We’ll Meet Again, UNH作为重点关注U.S. 20世纪70年代LGBTQ+人权和民权的历史.

Keynote Speaker Pierre Berastaín told the audience at UNH Durham about his experience with issues of the LGBTQ+ community. He delivered a speech titled “Breaking the Fast: How to Preserve the Self”, 然后是当天晚些时候基德的年度讲座. “I couldn’t pinpoint one issue that affects the LGBTQ+ community,Berastaín在他开始演讲时说. “My own prevailing LGBTQ issue was being safe and going to school.” Throughout his speeches at the breakfast and the Kidder lecture, Berastaín stressed that LGBTQ+ issues are intersectional ones. His experience is not shaped by his sexual identity alone, 但是作为一个同性恋, 无证, 天主教, 拉丁裔移民.

He recommended to the community that when faced with comments targeting identities, 我们可以选择在当下做出回应, or we may want to wait until we have found our center along with a specific writing or brief quotation that addresses the bias expressed. “有时,Berastaín说, “I just respond to ignorance or fear-based comments by changing the conversation. 我可能会说:“天气真好!” That’s the same day I send the same person the email with the strategic excerpt as the voice of reason. It gives that person a moment to consider what they’ve said.”


Seniors Rory Wilson and Jacob Riehl received student Kidder Awards for their service in the LGBTQ+ community and beyond.

梅森·邓恩,J.D. of UNH Manchester earned the Kidder Fund 教师 Award for his course design and community talks.

Gender Identity Awareness Week Planning Committee (Pink Triangle Award)
Intercollegiate Horse 显示 Association (Pink Triangle Award)        

Special thanks to our event sponsors:  Affirmative Action and 股本的办公室, 社区, 股本, 及多元化办事处, 健康 & 健康,  Kidder Fund, Liberty Mutual Insurance, 住宅生活, and SHARPP.