

Three 主要研究 assistant professors have received prestigious Faculty Early Career Development Program, 或职业, 获得了美国国家科学基金会的奖励. 这笔5年的资助总额为2美元.600万年, 研究人员的目标是改进代数的教学方式, enhance a computer-based method of machine learning and understand soil microbes in thawing permafrost. 奖项: Marek Petrik 计算机科学, Sheree夏普 数学,统计学和 杰西卡Ernakovich 自然资源和环境, 有重要的教学和外展内容, providing experiences for undergraduate and graduate students to engage in the research.

The National Science Foundation describes its CAREER awards as its “most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization.”

“我们为这些教职员工感到高兴, and we are looking forward to watching their discovery and innovation benefit our students and the state of New Hampshire as their careers continue to develop here at 主要研究,玛丽安·麦考德说, 负责研究的高级副教务长, 经济接触和外联.

Sheree夏普. 布鲁克斯·帕耶特摄.

Sheree夏普, 数学和统计学助理教授, 将利用她的五年, $1 million CAREER grant to analyze existing research to better understand the generalizable themes of four constructs —  parental involvement, 学校的气候, algebra teaching approach and student engagement — on algebra achievement for students in grades K through 12, 同时考虑到不同社会经济地位的差异, 性别和种族/民族界限. Her goal is to use qualitative and quantitative meta-research to develop an Educational Learning Environment (ELE) framework and transform research into practice in K-12 mathematics education. 阅读更多.

杰西卡Ernakovich. 大卫·沃格特摄.

杰西卡Ernakovich, assistant professor 自然资源和环境, received a $1.100万的职业生涯奖来继续她的研究工作, teaching and outreach program focused on soil microbes in the Arctic’s permafrost. Ernakovich will study how the microbes behave as the permafrost thaws and how the rate of their consumption of organic matter, 在巨大的冻土层中储存了几千年, is impacting the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere — a phenomenon, 她说, that’s little understood and could contribute significantly to global warming. 阅读更多.


Marek Petrik. 布鲁克斯·帕耶特摄.

凭借575,866美元的职业生涯奖, Marek Petrik, 计算机科学助理教授, will address challenges related to applying reinforcement learning — a computer-based method that rewards desired behaviors and punishes undesired ones — to real-world scenarios in which catastrophic failure in unacceptable. Petrik will conduct theoretical and algorithmic research with his 主要研究 students and collaborators from academic institutions and industrial research labs. 阅读更多.

Since the NSF CAREER program began in 1995, 35 主要研究 faculty have received these awards. Eligible faculty interested in applying to the NSF CAREER program can contact the 联合国大学研究和大型中心发展办公室 索取资料及协助.