

David Eustace of 东北通道 carries the puck behind the net for the U.S. sled hockey team during Paralympic Winter Games action in Beijing this month. Four 东北通道 athletes were part of Team USA's gold medal-winning squad - Eustace, 诺亚格罗夫, 格里芬·拉马尔和凯尔·齐奇. (图)

美国.S. Paralympic sled hockey team celebrated a gold medal four-peat at the Paralympic Winter Games earlier this month, 在美国所有大学中,没有一所大学在北京有更多的代表.S. 残奥选手运动员, let alone those on the sled hockey roster – than the University of New Hampshire.

四名东北航道项目运动员——大卫·尤斯塔斯, 诺亚格罗夫, 格里芬·拉马尔和凯尔·齐奇 — helped Team USA earn its fourth consecutive gold medal on the ice with a 5-0 victory over Canada in the championship game.

格罗夫在2017年至2019年期间是主要研究的学生, but all four have taken part in the 东北通道 sled hockey program for several years.

“I think our success is the result of our commitment to providing opportunities and getting people into the sport but also not losing focus of the competitive side,Matthew McGilvray说, 东北航道竞技体育协调员, 说. “A lot of programs are kind of one or the other – either recreational or competitive – but we try really hard to get people started and develop a path and also give players opportunities at the highest level possible, 就像其他运动一样.”

东北通道代表了美国.s. 残疾人雪橇曲棍球队. (图)

Being part of a four-time gold medal winner brings a little superstar cache, 正如东北航道四重奏乐队所发现的那样. Among the acknowledgements received during and after the tournament were a Twitter shoutout from the Boston Bruins and a video message recorded by Bruins goalie Jeremy Swayman on the same platform – both of which identified all four athletes by name.

Since returning home they’ve also been flooded with attention and requests to attend events or otherwise show off the fruits of their labor.

“梦想变成了现实,”麦吉尔弗雷说. “Feeling that kind of love on social media, I think it meant a lot to these guys. And now they’re seeing the support when they came home from all their families and friends – honestly, 我觉得他们有点不知所措了, with everyone asking them to go to this or that event and wanting to see the gold medals. 我觉得他们觉得自己是名人. 他们确实沉浸在其中, and they’re appreciative of everything that has gone in to getting them to that stage.”

东北航道与美国队的雪橇曲棍球队有着深厚的联系. 该项目至少有一名运动员参加了每届美国奥运会.S. Paralympic roster since Team USA began competing in sled hockey, starting in 1998 in Nagano, Japan. 这是一个令人印象深刻的主要研究血统.

“I think that focus we have here to provide that pipeline and all the resources at 主要研究 and throughout the whole process is really what has allowed us to have all that success,McGilvray说.

东北航道计划, a nonprofit service/research program of 主要研究’s recreation management and policy department in the 卫生学院 and 人类服务, 在一定程度上是为了“赋予残疾人权力”, 可见和不可见, 定义, 追求并实现终身健康, community engagement and fulfillment through the purposeful use of sports and recreation.”

Opportunities like those created for the members of the sled hockey team have certainly made a lifelong impact on the athletes, who are appreciative of the balance McGilvray highlighted between access at a young age and the chance to compete at a high level as they develop.

“能够有一个结构化的青年项目, intermediate program and then working our way up and always competing in collegiate leagues because of the opportunities they’ve given us has really helped us grow into the players we need to be,LaMarre在一封电子邮件中告诉Stuart Lieberman 美国队网站上的故事.