

The 公民权利 和 股本的办公室 reports directly to the Chief Diversity Officer 和 Associate Vice President for 社区, 公平与多样性. 导演 & 第九条协调员 和 staff are charged with the responsibility to oversee the University’s compliance efforts with affirmative action, 第九条, 残疾法律法规, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 和 康复法案第504条, 平等就业法, 和 campus initiatives aimed at creating a diverse, 欢迎和公平的校园. 署长就政策提供意见, 项目和服务 to achieve affirmative action goals 和 enhance the campus climate, 是教育法第九条的指定代表吗, 和, 除了, h和les all complaints of discrimination under the Discrimination 和 Discriminatory Harassment Policy.

The EEO/ADA Compliance Officer assists in the development 和 administration of policies, 大学的程序和惯例, 确保遵守《美国残疾人法, 康复法案第504条, 和 Federal 和 state laws 和 regulations regarding access 和 non-discriminatory practices for persons with disabilities.

导演 & 第九条协调员 和 staff serves as a liaison among the President’s Office, 教务长兼学术事务副校长, 财务副总裁 & 政府, 负责学生生活的高级副教务长, 和 appropriate governing committees; delivers educational programs; supports activities 和 programs throughout the campus community (for students, 教师和工作人员)在公平问题上, diversity 和 affirmative action; 和 represents the University with federal 和 state 年龄ncies.


  • 与敌人合作 the Chief Diversity Officer 和 Associate Vice President for 社区, 公平与多样性, providing/monitoring/supporting campus initiatives aimed at creating an inclusive, 欢迎和公平的校园
  • Serve on (or chair) committees, councils, task forces, etc.支持这些目标
  • 与团体联络, 办公室, departments 和 individuals working on diversity efforts, 在校内和校外.g., NAACP, the Governor's Commission on Disability)
  • Promote equity in hiring, direct/support diversity search efforts for 教师 和 staff


  • 监督联合国的遵守情况:平权行动, 第九条, 残疾法律法规, non-discrimination 和 平等就业法 (federal 和 state)
  • Enforce Discrimination 和 Discriminatory Harassment Policy 和 Bias Response Protocol
  • 调查投诉
  • Provide UNH response/defense to complaints outside 年龄ncies
  • 就政策提供意见, 项目和服务, 和 work with departments 和 办公室 charged with compliance issues 和 concerns (e.g., General Counsel, Human 资源, 社区 标准, Senior Vice Provost for Students, etc.)


  • Communicate expectations for behavior 和 actions by members of the community.  The Discrimination 和 Discriminatory Harassment Policy (revised August 2020) is a tool to describe expectations 和 provide a system for collecting 和 investigating complaints.  Redress 和 education are common outcomes upon findings of violations.
  • 提供和支持教育项目, 对话, 和 training throughout the campus community (students, 教师, staff) 和 outside community (members of the public) [including through media

Bo Zaryckyj
导演 & 第九条协调员


The 澳门葡京网赌游戏 is a public institution with a long-st和ing commitment to equal opportunity for all.  它没有种族歧视, color, 宗教, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄, 资深的地位, 性别认同或表达, 性取向, 婚姻状况, 残疾, 遗传信息, 怀孕, 或者政治倾向, 允许或接近, 或治疗或就业, 它的程序, 服务, 或活动.  Inquiries regarding discriminatory harassment should be directed to Bo Zaryckyj, 导演 & 第九条协调员, 汤普森大厅305, 主街105号, Durham, N.H. 03824, 电话(603)862- 2930(语音), TTY用户7-1-1, fax (603) 862-2936; or to the Office for 公民权利, U.S. 教育部, 8楼, 5邮政广场, 波士顿, MA 02109-3921, 电话:(617)289-0111, 传真(617)289-0150.

There are various grievance procedures to provide for the resolution of complaints under this policy. Information may be obtained at the 公民权利 和 股本的办公室 or on the 民权与公平网站.



To locate Thompson Hall on the 校园无障碍地图, type Thompson Hall into the search bar 和 then click on the building address in the left margin. The building will be highlighted 和 you can zoom in 和 out. 使用后退箭头返回本页. 点击这里进入 校园无障碍地图.


The 公民权利 和 Equity office is located at:


从I-95南(缅因州), take Exit 5 (in NH) 前往斯波尔丁收费公路(16N号公路), 然后从6W出口(4号公路西)往达勒姆走. 过了UNH/Durham出口1路.离红绿灯还有5英里. 左转进入马德伯里路.  At the 4-way Stop, continue straight 和 take your first right onto Garrison Ave.  在停车标志处, you will cross Main Street into the Thompson Hall 停车 Lot (between brick gate posts). 这个停车场停车位有限.  停车费为1美元.50/hr. 收费,最多停车两小时. Stop 和 see the parking attendant for availability. 设有无障碍停车场. An accessible entrance to Thompson Hall is located at the right rear of the parking lot. 公民权利 和 Equity is located on the 3rd floor, Room 305, of Thompson Hall.

从I-95北(马萨诸塞州), 乘四号出口(新界北), 前往斯波尔丁收费公路(16N号公路), 然后6W出口(4号公路西)往达勒姆.  遵循上面的说明.

从西方, 沿101号公路东至7号出口(125号公路北). Follow Route 125 North to the Lee traffic circle. Take Route 4 East to the second exit for UNH 和 Durham. 在出口尽头右转. 你会来到一个环岛, 你从第二个出口走哪里 , 经过网球场, 然后走到一个红绿灯. Continue straight at the lights to a set of brick gate posts.  右转进入汤普森大厅停车场. 这个停车场停车位有限. 停车位可供1.50/hr. 收费,最多停车两小时.  Stop 和 see the parking attendant for availability. 设有无障碍停车场. An accessible entrance to Thompson Hall is located at the right rear of the parking lot.  公民权利 和 Equity is located on the 3rd floor, Room 305, of Thompson Hall.


The Thompson Hall parking lot has limited parking.

If you are a guest attending a meeting with CREO, a parking space can be reserved for you in the Thompson Hall parking Lot. Contact CREO to make arrangements at (603) 862-2930 (Voice) / TTY用户7-1-1.

设有无障碍停车场. An accessible entrance to Thompson Hall is located at the right rear of the parking lot. CREO is located on the 3rd floor, Room 305, of Thompson Hall.

A Visitor lot is also available at the corner of Main Street 和 Edgewood Avenue.


Campus parking lots do not have street addresses, 和 thus cannot be programmed into commercial GPS devices.  The addresses of nearby buildings can be used to get you close to campus lots, 但有时需要进一步的导航.  Below are some common destinations for visitors or event attendees:


程序此地址: 主街105号
